Sermon Archive (Page 16)

Sermon Archive (Page 16)

Belief & Surrender Travel Together

The first thing we all want in our Christian walk is belief, but in fact, our surrender must come first. Surrender is the action that produces faith. Gideon asked the angel where the God of miracles was. He was there wanting to use 300 men to defeat an innumerable host of Midianites, but first Gideon had to obey God and destroy his father’s altars to false gods. As we…

Heavenly Authority

The angel Gabriel had no qualms about the authority he had in delivering message to Mary about the birth of Jesus. Sometimes we’re troubled by the message because we just don’t get it. The world is rapidly changing. God wants us to take the salutation of the Word into our heart. He wants us to question what’s going on – is it from God? People say lots of things, prophesy…


When we go to the altar and give our life to Christ, that’s just the beginning. We have to come to the place where we see the gift we’ve been given as priceless and worth any cost to hold on to. He who endures to the end shall be saved.

Walking in Victory

Pastor Ricley was asked to define what it is to walk in victory with Christ. He answered the question using Joseph’s life as an example, showing how God brings us through every accusation brought against us. Our victory is assured because Jesus ever lives to make intercession for us.

Talking With God

Frequently we barge into the Throne Room with our needs and it takes awhile in prayer to come to the place where we are actually praising God and praying in the Spirit, speaking with Him as He desires. Pastor Ricley encourages us to enter His courts with thanksgiving and praise and in faith that He hears us, not because of who we are, but because of who He is.

Tribulation, The Kingdom & Patience

John was writing to the various churches about endurance – endurance in tribulation and the things that pertain to our eternal security. Endurance is a patience that does not surrender to circumstances or succumb under trial, a patience that doesn’t accept defeat. God uses John to bring constructive correction to churches and promises for those who overcome the trials…

What Is Truth?

The church is at a place where it should never have been – full of confusion. Everyone disagrees and the world knows it. How can this be when Jesus came to bear witness of the truth and every Book of the Bible reveals Him? We are the offspring of God and should be walking in that power and truth.