Sermon Archive (Page 22)

Sermon Archive (Page 22)

The Revelation of Christ

The trials and persecution we encounter in this life serve the purpose of glorifying God in us and in His church. We can choose to find our way out of a trial to escape the buffeting to our flesh or we can allow God to take us through it so we can be counted worthy to fellowship in His suffering and be counted worthy to be one of the believers He will reveal Himself in.

The Tried and Proven Seed

When Satan wants to buffet us he has to get between us and the power of God. We are born again of incorruptible seed. In order to war with us, Satan has to be able to bypass the seed that God planted in us. That seed originated in Jesus and has been passed to us – a seed that cannot fail. The life of that seed alters everything in our life. The devil wants us to forget…

Right Fellowship

Between the promise and the realization of the promise is a rest. The Apostle John tells us that in right fellowship with Jesus, we have the ability to behold Him, to touch Him, to hear and see Him. In that right fellowship we learn that we can rest in who He is, and not in who We are. Right fellowship assures us that He is our Potter and He is pleased with His work.…

Covenants, Feasts, Sabbath, End Times

The Covenants, the 7 Jewish Feasts and the Sabbath Day all provide priceless information to the church about what the End Times are and what they are not. Satan wants to confuse the world and divide the church but if we understand God’s plan for His church, we cannot be deceived by the doctrines of men. The church must walk in truth and throw off the confusion that…

Check Your Life (Matthew 25)

Continuing the discussion on adoption, Pastor Ricley walks us through our part in the adoption process through a discussion of Matthew 25. You can bring a child home from the orphanage to live in your home, but if they don’t recognize your parenthood and authority in their lives, it makes a loving relationship difficult at best. All those in the parables in Matthew 25…

Documents of Adoption

Romans 8:15 says, “For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.” Pastor Ricley calls on us to examine our hearts to see if we truly believe we’ve been adopted by God or if we’re seeing God through the eyes of religion, afraid that we won’t measure up. The Spirit of adoption frees…

A Call to Prayer

The church has lost her sense of the sovereign presence of God. The power that God intended for His church is no where to be seen and it’s no more evident than in the moral decay and loss of hope in the world around us. We need signs in the church today so people can see God moving in our lives. The people at Pentecost were in agreement that they needed the power that…

Sheep, Goats, & the Glory of God

Pastor Ricley is asked to discuss the Glory of God as mentioned in Matthew 24 and John 17. His teaching provides some real life examples of the sheeps and goats described by Jesus in Matthew 25. Perfection isn’t about praying enough or quoting Scripture and being religious. It’s about our ability to see Jesus in each other and to respond to situations with His heart.

Outrun It

The Bible tells us to pray that our flight would not be in the winter or on the sabbath day. Pastor Ricley explains what that time of “flight” and “sabbath” means to us in the context of God building an army, not to run away from the battle, but to live through the battle. We read the word “tribulation” and respond with “I’m outta here”. We’ve even found a doctrine of…