Sermons on 1 Peter

Sermons on 1 Peter

God Is Our Solution

The flesh is coming into unity – the man of sin is rising up. But, the Bible has also promised a perfect man – the church in unity. We must learn to trust God now so we don’t lean on the arm of the flesh during tribulation. We are an elect race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession. Scripture: 1 Peter 2:9


You can’t learn discipline for self without someone on the outside teaching you. Self-control (temperance) is the last of the gifts – last of the fruits that God gave us. God gave us the Holy Ghost and out of it comes fruit. We are learning absolute self-control. We learn it first by discipline that brings us to surrender. Humility brings the victory.

The Revelation of Christ

The trials and persecution we encounter in this life serve the purpose of glorifying God in us and in His church. We can choose to find our way out of a trial to escape the buffeting to our flesh or we can allow God to take us through it so we can be counted worthy to fellowship in His suffering and be counted worthy to be one of the believers He will reveal Himself in.