Sermons on 2 Chronicles
The Importance of Rest
The Sabbath is the only commandment God forced Israel to keep, it was that important to Him. In Hebrews we’re reminded that there “remains a Sabbath to the people of God.” We’ll rest in man or we’ll rest in God and we’re in training. Scripture: Gen 42:16-25, Ezek 36:16-22, 2 Chron 27:14-23, Heb 3:5-4:2
Repentance, Wind and Fire
God brought the fire to separate the children of Israel from the armies of Israel at the Red Sea and He brought the wind to dry the land so His people could move forward in Him. God gives us the Holy Spirit to get between us and the darkness we’ve left behind. It’s to lead us on in such a relationship with Him that nothing separates us and His Word is…
We are learning quickly that we can’t depend on the flesh. We need the Voice, we need the Word moving in us. Faith has to become substance, not hope. Scripture: Isa 38:1-8, Isa 39:1-8, 2 Chron 32:7-8, 2 Chron 32:30-31, 2 Kings 20:4-5, John 6:4, John 7:25-35, Luke 13:24-25, Matt 25:5-10, Heb 10:5-38
Cleansing The Temple
The Book and a heart that’s right. God can entrust His Word to a heart that’s humble and in right relationship with Him. Scripture: 2 Chron 34
In The Beginning Was The Word
There was silence in the spirit realm before God created the Word and then spoke light into existence. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. In Him was life and our inheritance as children of God is that life which is the exact imprint of His nature. His life moving in us, directing us, shaping us from the inside out to be all He’s created us for. …
Gospel of the Kingdom
The Gospel of the Kingdom hasn’t been preached since the reformation. In Him we overcome the world and we’re sitting with Christ in His throne and we recognize the authority and power He has. Gospel of Kingdom – we’ll overcome every obstacle. We’ll overcome the world by faith in Him. A relationship formed from inside out, the indwelling God perfecting us from the…
Righteous fruit
God will send a servant to test the fruit in our lives. Truth is our fruit, obedience to the Word is our fruit, bowing the knee is our fruit. Scripture: Luke 20:1-18, 2 Chron 18:6-19:10
The God Who Never Fails
There is a falling away from the truth of who God is and the man of sin is being revealed everywhere around us. Mainstream Christianity isn’t talking about this because the church is surrendering to thinking that God is not powerful enough. He remains the Great I Am, our All Sufficient One. Sold out soldiers are needed to run alongside people and reveal Christ to…
Apprehended For Perfection
Matt 5:48 commands that we “be perfect as our Father in Heaven is perfect”. We see that as impossible so we expect that to happen when we enter Heaven. God is getting us perfect as we move forward in relationship with Him. We want faith first, but God builds faith as we walk, not before. We were apprehended by Christ for perfection – on earth where the…
Glory of the Latter House (Haggai)
God had a better idea than the stone temple. He moved inside His people to change our thinking. He created lively stones who would hold themselves accountable to the Word of God. We will be a visible temple for all the world to see – living in the full stature of Christ Jesus.
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