Sermons on 2 Kings

Sermons on 2 Kings

The Right Wedding Garment

We have received an invitation from God to the marriage supper.  Jesus’ Bride will be arrayed in white linen, granted to her by God.  We don’t want the wrong garment, we don’t want religion or to put our trust in anything in this hour except for Him.  We’ve entered into a covenant relationship with God.  He will do His part if we do ours – surrender to His will.  Zeph…

God Has A Plan

The world is full of questions re things.  What we know is that He has a plan and it’s all going to turn out the way He wants.  Increase in violence, selfishness, hatred has been prophesied in the Word & we see it coming to pass.  We can have confidence the plan He has will come to pass.  Jesus wasn’t going anywhere until the disciples had the divine revelation of who…


God wouldn’t allow his people to have brotherhood with false things under the old covenant and He certainly won’t under the new. It’s easy to look religious, to fool people into thinking you have a relationship with God – but real believers know that God sees and knows our thoughts. One who understands the value of real relationship with Him gets transparent with Him to…

All is Vanity

We look at things on the outside and decide their value. God’s not interested in the outside appearance of anything – He’s interested in substance. Saul impressed the people but he was ruled by fear and impatience, not a leader. David was physically unimpressive – but a man of true substance. The Israelites rejected commands of God and chose goddess of fortune &…

We are a Sign on Earth

Many Christians desire a “ministry” in their lives and miss the point about what we’re actually doing here. Elijah was an ordinary man who knew the privilege of talking to God. We are afforded that same privilege and God wants to use our lives, our circumstances, our faith, to show the world around us how very real He is. We’re called to live a life that people can read…

Covenants, Feasts, Sabbath, End Times

The Covenants, the 7 Jewish Feasts and the Sabbath Day all provide priceless information to the church about what the End Times are and what they are not. Satan wants to confuse the world and divide the church but if we understand God’s plan for His church, we cannot be deceived by the doctrines of men. The church must walk in truth and throw off the confusion that…