Sermons on Ezekiel
Church Needs To Learn Sorrow
God is a God of relationship – relationship with us and our relationships with each other. We’re to love as He loved. We were born to show the world empathy and sympathy that can only be learned by walking through difficult places as He did. Scripture: Matt 12:34-42, Ezek 24:15-27
The Importance of Rest
The Sabbath is the only commandment God forced Israel to keep, it was that important to Him. In Hebrews we’re reminded that there “remains a Sabbath to the people of God.” We’ll rest in man or we’ll rest in God and we’re in training. Scripture: Gen 42:16-25, Ezek 36:16-22, 2 Chron 27:14-23, Heb 3:5-4:2
Dry Bones
The church has separated bone from bone through denominations and man’s doctrines. The Bible started with creation and a warning – the devil is a deceiver, not just a liar. The truth has become simply someone’s opinion today. The Word of the Lord is life. He will breathe life into us & we’ll live. God will bring people out of religion and…
Conform To The House
It doesn’t matter where we start – it matters what happens on the journey. God takes us through the wilderness to get rid of our flesh. We can respond like the children of Israel and rebel or we can surrender to His will for our life. The Bride is born in the Spirit realm.
The Candlestick (Zech 4) (Part 6)
The candlestick and the 2 anointed ministries answer the questions, “Is there an absolute truth?” and, “Will people know it?” Will the church come to a place where there is a unity and an agreement? The Book of Zechariah tells us this is God’s plan and it will all come to pass. The candlestick is the Word of God illuminated by the oil poured out of the olive trees…
The Engrafted Branch (Zech Part 4)
When we place Jesus on the throne of our minds the way the disciples did, it causes people to wonder – not at us, but at the Branch that would cause such a desire for surrender.
Potential Unleashed (Zech Part 3)
We have this Word, full of promises, that we can stand on that reveals to us all the things that we can do in His strength. It’s not about how we feel – it’s about the absolute truth that is our foundation. God has ordained for us to walk in victory.
Songs of Degrees, Part 11
Illusionary Fronts Judged
Songs of Degrees, Part 10
Prevailing Power