Sermons on Galatians
Bearing One Another’s Burdens
It’s very easy to be merciful to someone we see as a “sinner”, while demanding perfection from our brothers & sisters. Jesus uses words like “Restore” and “Bear” when telling us how to deal with one another. Scripture: Gal 6:1-5
The Three Untils
Pastor Ricley continues his study from 9/9/20 in Daniel 9 and discusses the 3 “untils” that must occur before the perfection of the church and the Word is made flesh again in Christ’s body of believers. Scripture: Luke 21:23-24, Gal 4:14, Gen 15:16, Rom 11:17-26, Jer 31:27-40, 2 John 1:7-11, 1 Cor 4:17-5:13, Lamentations 1:1-4
Days of Elijah
We’re seeing an escalation of events. Where do you go for shelter when it looks like there is no where to go? Go to place of humility and seeking God’s face. Go to the promises of God. Scripture: Rom 9:1-4, Gal 4:3-5, Rom 8:15, Rom 8:1-6
Covenants of Faith & Blood
Pastor Ricley talks about the Old and the New Covenant and how the devil consistently twists God’s Word to make God the problem. Under the New Covenant we have a living Savior who dwells inside of us to see us through the enemy’s attempts to deceive. Scripture: Isa 58:1-14, Gal 1:1-6, Matt 23:1-36, 2 Cor 11:1-4, Rev 12:;1-16, Jer 12:1-40
Law of Life
Pastor Ricley discusses the difference between physical circumcision and us “being the circumcision” through Christ. Scripture: Phil 3:3, Gal 5:4-24, Luke 12:1-19
Born in Flesh vs Spirit
There is a difference between voices who claim to be Christian. There is a difference between being born of the flesh & born of the Spirit. The Spiritual man has grace and mercy – he’s not above others, just beat up, scarred and obedient. Being born again manifests a genuine and obvious transformation in a person. Scripture: Gal 6:1-15, Matt 21:33-38
You Are Meant to Fly
Yesterday’s sin, no matter how grievous, does not define the success of our relationship with God. We have the blood of Jesus to cover past sins, but we’re meant to go past the blood into perfection as we move from knowing about Jesus to truly having the revelation of Him and His expectation for our lives. He’s given us all the tools we need – we…
Flesh Is The Beast
The Bible tells us that the “man of sin” is going to rise up. This is corporate man thinking and responding in the flesh. The Beast is the flesh without God. We will either belong to corporate man or corporate God – the Body of Christ.
Go Back and Submit
The Old Testament story of Hagar can help us understand what it means to be a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Songs of Degrees, Part 6
Not Under The Rod
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