Sermons on Hebrews
Faith Greater Than Emotions
God makes promises in His Word or directly to us that our emotional man can easily reject if the promise doesn’t come to pass quickly enough to satisfy our carnal thinking. Our faith needs to be strong enough to hold to the promise even when the enemy tells us over and over that God won’t do what He said and our carnal thoughts tell us to fix the issue in…
The Importance of Rest
The Sabbath is the only commandment God forced Israel to keep, it was that important to Him. In Hebrews we’re reminded that there “remains a Sabbath to the people of God.” We’ll rest in man or we’ll rest in God and we’re in training. Scripture: Gen 42:16-25, Ezek 36:16-22, 2 Chron 27:14-23, Heb 3:5-4:2
God Has A Plan
The world is full of questions re things. What we know is that He has a plan and it’s all going to turn out the way He wants. Increase in violence, selfishness, hatred has been prophesied in the Word & we see it coming to pass. We can have confidence the plan He has will come to pass. Jesus wasn’t going anywhere until the disciples had the divine revelation of who…
Study on Hebrews 12
Pastor Ricley teaches from Hebrews 11 & 12 about the true church being living witnesses encompassed by a great cloud of witnesses and a victorious God. Scripture: Heb 11:31-12:11
Temple In Your Mind
Pastor Ricley teaches the difference between being governed by the knowledge of good and evil or the Word of God. We are the Temple, but we must have that temple in the right frame of mind. Scripture: Rom 7:17-25, Hebrews 5:7-14
We are learning quickly that we can’t depend on the flesh. We need the Voice, we need the Word moving in us. Faith has to become substance, not hope. Scripture: Isa 38:1-8, Isa 39:1-8, 2 Chron 32:7-8, 2 Chron 32:30-31, 2 Kings 20:4-5, John 6:4, John 7:25-35, Luke 13:24-25, Matt 25:5-10, Heb 10:5-38
Revelation of the Balance of God
We have a tendency to discover an attribute or two of God’s and to define Him by only those attributes, making Him so much smaller than He is and missing the glorious balance that exists in all the attributes He has. Scripture: 1 Tim 3:16, Exod 20:5, Zech 8:2-8, Psa 89:14, Deut 3:23-26, Luke 9:28-31, Heb 12:29
Rightness By Faith
The Jews were unable to enter into God’s rest because of unbelief and lack of relationship because they saw the law as something to do, something to define them. The law was the beginning of God’s love letter. Keeping the law, in response to our deepening relationship with God, enables us to rest in Him. Scripture: Exod 31:13-14, Rom 1:15-19, Rom 9:30-10:16,…
An Everlasting Foundation
God is bringing us to a place where we understand how important it is that we be about our Father’s business. The world won’t be impacted by us until we let go of it and allow our flesh to be consumed by the fire of God, leaving His power to work in us and through us. Scripture: Prov 10:25, Heb 11:9-10, 1 Kings 18:1-19, Isa 28:1-11
In The Beginning Was The Word
There was silence in the spirit realm before God created the Word and then spoke light into existence. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. In Him was life and our inheritance as children of God is that life which is the exact imprint of His nature. His life moving in us, directing us, shaping us from the inside out to be all He’s created us for. …