Sermons on Jeremiah
Throne – High and Lifted Up
This nation is descending deeper into chaos and we’re beginning to realize that we’re not going to change the turmoil that’s in the world. The things about the world, things about our lives have to become second to Kingdom things. Yield to His voice. Say and do as He says. The throne is secure and we are blessed by His keeping and protecting power. …
The Three Untils
Pastor Ricley continues his study from 9/9/20 in Daniel 9 and discusses the 3 “untils” that must occur before the perfection of the church and the Word is made flesh again in Christ’s body of believers. Scripture: Luke 21:23-24, Gal 4:14, Gen 15:16, Rom 11:17-26, Jer 31:27-40, 2 John 1:7-11, 1 Cor 4:17-5:13, Lamentations 1:1-4
Repentance, Wind and Fire
God brought the fire to separate the children of Israel from the armies of Israel at the Red Sea and He brought the wind to dry the land so His people could move forward in Him. God gives us the Holy Spirit to get between us and the darkness we’ve left behind. It’s to lead us on in such a relationship with Him that nothing separates us and His Word is…
Religious Knowledge vs Revelation Knowledge
Pastor Ricley takes us through Scripture to explain the difference between knowledge we gain through religious experience and revelation knowledge that comes from God Himself. Scripture: 1 Cor 2:1-15, John 3:3-11, Luke 18:18, 1 Cor 1:17-31, Jer 31:15, Matt 2:18
Covenants of Faith & Blood
Pastor Ricley talks about the Old and the New Covenant and how the devil consistently twists God’s Word to make God the problem. Under the New Covenant we have a living Savior who dwells inside of us to see us through the enemy’s attempts to deceive. Scripture: Isa 58:1-14, Gal 1:1-6, Matt 23:1-36, 2 Cor 11:1-4, Rev 12:;1-16, Jer 12:1-40
Weights and Measures (Zech Part 8)
Religion says we can only gain Heaven by keeping the law. God has a plan that cannot fail – a new man inside who receives direction directly from God who changes us from the inside out. He has given us His blood and His leadership so we can’t fail – but our standard must be His Word, His voice. We have the truth – we just need our Bible and a living relationship with…
The Engrafted Branch (Zech Part 4)
When we place Jesus on the throne of our minds the way the disciples did, it causes people to wonder – not at us, but at the Branch that would cause such a desire for surrender.
Kingdom Collision
God sent astrologers with the message that the Messiah had been born because He knew the people wouldn’t receive Jesus. Same spirit that didn’t want Jesus to be King exists in the church today. Jesus as King disrupts the kingdoms of men. If we would listen to the voice of God there would be no division in the church.
Victory Through Surrender
Jeremiah brought one last opportunity to God’s people for obedience before judgment. There was so much confusion over who was telling the truth most of the people were unable and unwilling to hear and were lost. Those who heard the truth and obeyed were saved. Our victory is assured through surrender.
Overcoming Faith
God teaches us through our experiences how to move from the physical realm to the spiritual realm. Our carnal minds cannot see what God sees – cannot appropriate the plans He has for us and for His church. We need eyes of faith to see that as long as we are standing on the Word of God, where He has planted us, He will get us through whatever is ahead for us.