Sermons on John (Page 4)
Numbering Our Days
The events that are going on around us and the demands on our time press us to choose between the material world we live in and the realities of eternal choices. God is bringing all of our hearts into a place of decision about what we want to do with Him. When we assign a number to our days we maintain a sense of where we are on the timeline and a motivation to hold to…
True Communion (Part 1)
Pastor Ricley teaches in 1 Cor 11 and John 6 to confirm that true communion is a spiritual state – a deep fellowship with and in Christ – a fellowship in His sufferings and resurrection – that has been reduced by the church to the physical act of partaking in bread and juice. Our very life is meant to be a living memorial to Him, far beyond our carnal understanding of The…
Sheep, Goats, & the Glory of God
Pastor Ricley is asked to discuss the Glory of God as mentioned in Matthew 24 and John 17. His teaching provides some real life examples of the sheeps and goats described by Jesus in Matthew 25. Perfection isn’t about praying enough or quoting Scripture and being religious. It’s about our ability to see Jesus in each other and to respond to situations with His heart.
What Are You Washing With?
God has provided two instruments for victory over the flesh: the blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Spirit. The blood and fire cleanse us, yet our human nature wants to default to cleansing itself by religious works and doctrines of men.
The Prince of This World, Part 2
Continuing to look at the final discourse Jesus had with His disciples before His crucifixion, we learn about the power of the Comforter and the power of true spiritual morality in the life of a believer.
The Prince of This World, Part 1
The Bible tells us in John 14:30 that the prince of this world had nothing in Jesus. As His people, we want the same to be true in our lives. We want to understand what spiritual morality really is and we want our lives to reflect it.
Songs of Degrees, Part 10
Prevailing Power
Songs of Degrees, Part 9
The Fast I’ve Chosen
Songs of Degrees, Part 4
Know God
Love Deeper Than Personal Gain
The story of Ruth is an example to us of the true form of love that God desires to see in His church.