Sermons on Luke (Page 3)

Sermons on Luke (Page 3)

Where the King Is…

Jesus was a prophet and He confronted the Jews about who they were and the changing covenant. The leaders thought they could rule God’s Kingdom from the outside, but Jesus told them it was being moved inside a man. The evidence of God’s indwelling is seen in his love for his brother as told in the story about the beggar Lazarus. Where the King is, there is love and…

A Devout Man

There were 3 men described as “devout” in the New Testament. Each story was about how God moved powerfully in their lives, honoring their devotion. Be encouraged that as we determine to be devout in our relationship with God He will use us and move through us in the same ways. Scripture: Acts 8:1-3, Luke 2:25-35, Acts 10:1-6

Heavenly Authority

The angel Gabriel had no qualms about the authority he had in delivering message to Mary about the birth of Jesus. Sometimes we’re troubled by the message because we just don’t get it. The world is rapidly changing. God wants us to take the salutation of the Word into our heart. He wants us to question what’s going on – is it from God? People say lots of things, prophesy…

The Leaven of the Pharisees

The Bible tells us to beware the leaven of the Pharisees, and Jesus defines that leaven as hypocrisy. The Pharisees were focused on outside appearances and not concerned with the state of the inward man. They looked good, but didn’t know God. Pastor Ricley challenges us to examine our own relationship with God by the Word of Truth. Are we religious or Christian? Are we…

All is Vanity

We look at things on the outside and decide their value. God’s not interested in the outside appearance of anything – He’s interested in substance. Saul impressed the people but he was ruled by fear and impatience, not a leader. David was physically unimpressive – but a man of true substance. The Israelites rejected commands of God and chose goddess of fortune &…

Authority and Power

Jesus sent out His disciples with the authority & power to cast out demons – to set people free from the things in their lives that separated them from God. We have been given the very same power, authority and commission, but we must apprehend it by faith and obedience. Where do we stand? Are we in opposition to the devil? If we are in opposition to the Kingdom of God in…

The Robbery of Fleshly Arguments

The carnal mind is enmity against God. After the Sermon on the Mount there were two groups of people. There were those who humbled down, having received the baptism of John, and who knew that all Jesus had said was right. The Pharisees and lawyers argued against God’s Word and rejected Him and the blessings that faith would have brought to them. This sermon challenges us…

Binding the Strong Man (Part 2)

The tool that Jesus used to bind the strong man is the same one we’re to use today – the Word of God. Lies of the strong man bind us up, The truth breaks the power of the strong man and sets us free. The strong man in us could be anger, fear, addiction; whatever it is, we can pray about it. God knows how to get us to the place where the Word stops the strong man. He that…