Sermons on Malachi
Arm Yourself
The Church is in transition from the flesh realm to the spirit realm. The flesh is not equipped for the battle, our emotions have no place in it. Our strength, salvation and victory come from being armed in the Spirit. Scripture: 1 Peter 4:1-6, Luke 11:17-23, Rom 13:11-12, 2 Cor 6:1-18, Mal 3:13-1
Spirit vs Intellect
Satan plays to the ego of humanity and works against the people of God. If we look at what he’s done in the past, we would know what to expect now. Our intellect will throw out the parts of the Bible we don’t like, but God expect His people to sort out the spiritual things. Our intellect won’t take us where God wants us to go. Scripture: Rom 9:8-13,…
God Gives, Religion Takes
The crux of every problem in the Bible was people believing lies. Sarah believed that every time Abraham looked at her he was disappointed in her, so she gave him her maid, the priests believed Jesus was after their kingdom – when He was their kingdom, Esau believed he would die and gave up his birthright. When religion give a solution, it appears to be spot on…
Thought Process (Malachi 3 & 4)
God sent a verbal confrontation to the Israelites through a verbal prophet addressing 7 ways they had lost touch with God. They had wandered so far from Him they forgot His blessings and favor toward them, they no longer felt His love for them and they no longer feared Him or felt His Spirit and Presence. Church today is not hearing God, not fearing God and lacks His…
Forgotten Covenant (Malachi)
The priesthood was meant to be messengers of God, instead, they did (and still do) cause many to stumble because of their unfaithfulness to truth and the covenant of Levi. Jesus lived the covenant relationship so perfectly that He found people who would follow Him in the midst of people who had lost God completely. We’re called to live a covenant life that will draw…
The Author Of My Life
Jesus authored our lives as He lived His. We need to learn of Him, to use what He said and did and apply it to our lives. As we allow Him to lead us through in faith and obedience, the Kingdom is revealed and the world sees us as witnesses to how the Kingdom works in love, peace, faith, truth, hope and they will want in. We need to stop listening to the voice that…
Messenger of the Covenant
The Laws of God are not only “shall nots”. They are also Divine proclamations about what God will do. The Book of Genesis contains revelation all the way to the end of time. If we understand the prophesies that God made in the Books of the Law, we’ll understand the plan He has for the church in this hour.