Sermons on Romans
Spiritual Warfare
Just like Elijah/Elisha, the Holy Spirit will take us through Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho and the Jordan as we grow in our walk with the Lord. Every step is necessary to make us into soldiers in God’s army! Scripture: Romans 6:11-18, Eph 6:1-18
God Has A Plan
The world is full of questions re things. What we know is that He has a plan and it’s all going to turn out the way He wants. Increase in violence, selfishness, hatred has been prophesied in the Word & we see it coming to pass. We can have confidence the plan He has will come to pass. Jesus wasn’t going anywhere until the disciples had the divine revelation of who…
Temple In Your Mind
Pastor Ricley teaches the difference between being governed by the knowledge of good and evil or the Word of God. We are the Temple, but we must have that temple in the right frame of mind. Scripture: Rom 7:17-25, Hebrews 5:7-14
Without Controversy
We’re in an hour of great controversy about God in the world but in the Spirit realm “without controversy great is the mystery of godliness. We will be the revelation of the mystery – God manifested in the flesh (02.19.20) Scripture: 1 Tim 3:14-16, Psa 51:1-19, Matt 13:11-17, Rom 16:24-27, 1 Cor 2:7-16, Rev 10:7
The Three Untils
Pastor Ricley continues his study from 9/9/20 in Daniel 9 and discusses the 3 “untils” that must occur before the perfection of the church and the Word is made flesh again in Christ’s body of believers. Scripture: Luke 21:23-24, Gal 4:14, Gen 15:16, Rom 11:17-26, Jer 31:27-40, 2 John 1:7-11, 1 Cor 4:17-5:13, Lamentations 1:1-4
There Is A Way
Pastor Ricley takes us through Scripture to show us that God provides a way for us to bring the flesh under dominion, a way to draw closer to Him, a way to walk & live in the Spirit, a way to obedience, a way to deeper faith, a way to do greater things that Jesus did. Scripture: Isa 58:1-14, Luke 13:6-17, Isa 43:16, Prov 30:19, Isa 8:16-9:12, Matt 17:14-21, Rom…
COVID, fires, social unrest, political upheaval, hurricanes – it’s clear that God is judging this nation. We’re in a state of apostasy – people know God but refuse to honor Him as God and we’re seeing the result. Apostasy is changed when people decide to live righteously and believe God. We owe it to future generations to repent and return…
Arm Yourself
The Church is in transition from the flesh realm to the spirit realm. The flesh is not equipped for the battle, our emotions have no place in it. Our strength, salvation and victory come from being armed in the Spirit. Scripture: 1 Peter 4:1-6, Luke 11:17-23, Rom 13:11-12, 2 Cor 6:1-18, Mal 3:13-1
The Transformed Mind
We want the territory we are to be the safest place for God to inhabit so we can take Him behind enemy lines and we’ll be part of a defense that won’t back up. The only obstacle we have to being those kinds of soldiers is our minds. God starts with the premise, ‘Lay down your will”, “present yourself as a living sacrifice” and He will…
Seeing Jesus
The church needs to learn to discern what’s going on in the Spirit realm, but that’s impossible to do with so much flesh in the way. The Five Fold Ministry doesn’t finish the work in us that God intends. Only Jesus can do that, so we must grow to see Him as He is. Scripture: John 4:1-29, Matt 16:5, Exod 13:20-22, Exod 14:19-20, Exod 40:33-38, Rom 5:15