Sermons on Zechariah

Sermons on Zechariah


God wouldn’t allow his people to have brotherhood with false things under the old covenant and He certainly won’t under the new. It’s easy to look religious, to fool people into thinking you have a relationship with God – but real believers know that God sees and knows our thoughts. One who understands the value of real relationship with Him gets transparent with Him to…

Weights and Measures (Zech Part 8)

Religion says we can only gain Heaven by keeping the law. God has a plan that cannot fail – a new man inside who receives direction directly from God who changes us from the inside out. He has given us His blood and His leadership so we can’t fail – but our standard must be His Word, His voice. We have the truth – we just need our Bible and a living relationship with…

The Candlestick (Zech 4) (Part 6)

The candlestick and the 2 anointed ministries answer the questions, “Is there an absolute truth?” and, “Will people know it?” Will the church come to a place where there is a unity and an agreement? The Book of Zechariah tells us this is God’s plan and it will all come to pass. The candlestick is the Word of God illuminated by the oil poured out of the olive trees…
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