

Throne – High and Lifted Up

This nation is descending deeper into chaos and we’re beginning to realize that we’re not going to change the turmoil that’s in the world.  The things about the world, things about our lives have to become second to Kingdom things.  Yield to His voice.  Say and do as He says.  The throne is secure and we are blessed by His keeping and protecting power.  …

A Word to Build (Hag 2)

It had been 16 years from the end of the exile to Haggai.  People returned with a desire to rebuild Jerusalem and the temple.  They had the government and the priesthood, but didn’t have a prophet.  They couldn’t build without a word from God and neither can we.  We’re nothing without the Spirit of God indwelling us, leading us.     Scripture:  Acts…

The Right Wedding Garment

We have received an invitation from God to the marriage supper.  Jesus’ Bride will be arrayed in white linen, granted to her by God.  We don’t want the wrong garment, we don’t want religion or to put our trust in anything in this hour except for Him.  We’ve entered into a covenant relationship with God.  He will do His part if we do ours – surrender to His will.  Zeph…