Sermon (Page 17)
Don’t Forget Who Your Enemy Is
Even though David lived with the Philistines he never lost his sense of who God’s children were and who fought against God. David never forgot who the enemy was and he was never beguiled by their gods. We need a wisdom today that transcends the plans of our enemy. If we want to win the battles, we get God into the battle with right actions. Stand by God and He’ll stand by…
To Whom Will God Look?
Isaiah 66:2 tells us that God will look to the one who is poor, of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at His Word. The story of Jonah illustrates the way God is able to encourage us to walk in such an attitude.
The Seed of the Father
As we look at the relationship between Isaac and his first son, Ishmael, we are reminded that God does not allow the works of the flesh to supersede His promises.
Go Back and Submit
The Old Testament story of Hagar can help us understand what it means to be a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Forgiveness, Faith & Obedience
Forgiveness, faith and obedience are vital to our lives as Christians, yet they are also things we often find difficult. The more we practice forgiving and exercising faith in God, the more we will also obey Him in challenging times.
Cheerful Giver Apprehended
Each one of us does certain things very well. God desires to polish those things in our lives so that they can be used to bring Him glory. He may call upon us at times that appear inconvenient to our flesh, and those are times to remember that God loves a cheerful giver!
What Are You Washing With?
God has provided two instruments for victory over the flesh: the blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Spirit. The blood and fire cleanse us, yet our human nature wants to default to cleansing itself by religious works and doctrines of men.
Going to the Storm Shelter
The Bible tells us that God has given His church wings with which to fly above the storm and get to the storm shelter. Daniel is an example of a man who did that very thing.
The Lord Shall Fight For You
God had a way to get between the Israelites and the approaching Egyptian army, and He has a way to get between you and your enemy today!
The Justice of a Man Who Never Sinned
There is only one man who lived a sinless life on the earth and that is Jesus Christ. This man (who is also God) took upon Himself the justice that we deserve as sinners (the wages of sin is death), and He offers to freely give us the justice that He obtained as one who never sinned.