"authority" Tagged Sermons

"authority" Tagged Sermons

Born of God

We are the offspring of God, why do we live at a level lower than that?  We’re born of God but the church has a dysfunctional attitude about the flesh coming into righteousness.  Christ is meant to be manifested through us in authority and power but we have to let out lives be altered by God.  Acts 9:1-12, John 1:8-13, 1 John 3:2-16

Heavenly Authority

The angel Gabriel had no qualms about the authority he had in delivering message to Mary about the birth of Jesus. Sometimes we’re troubled by the message because we just don’t get it. The world is rapidly changing. God wants us to take the salutation of the Word into our heart. He wants us to question what’s going on – is it from God? People say lots of things, prophesy…

Walking in Victory

Pastor Ricley was asked to define what it is to walk in victory with Christ. He answered the question using Joseph’s life as an example, showing how God brings us through every accusation brought against us. Our victory is assured because Jesus ever lives to make intercession for us.

Authority and Power

Jesus sent out His disciples with the authority & power to cast out demons – to set people free from the things in their lives that separated them from God. We have been given the very same power, authority and commission, but we must apprehend it by faith and obedience. Where do we stand? Are we in opposition to the devil? If we are in opposition to the Kingdom of God in…

Check Your Life (Matthew 25)

Continuing the discussion on adoption, Pastor Ricley walks us through our part in the adoption process through a discussion of Matthew 25. You can bring a child home from the orphanage to live in your home, but if they don’t recognize your parenthood and authority in their lives, it makes a loving relationship difficult at best. All those in the parables in Matthew 25…