"blood" Tagged Sermons
Covenants of Faith & Blood
Pastor Ricley talks about the Old and the New Covenant and how the devil consistently twists God’s Word to make God the problem. Under the New Covenant we have a living Savior who dwells inside of us to see us through the enemy’s attempts to deceive. Scripture: Isa 58:1-14, Gal 1:1-6, Matt 23:1-36, 2 Cor 11:1-4, Rev 12:;1-16, Jer 12:1-40
Transfer of Ownership
We were purchased at the Cross through the blood of Jesus. Transfer of ownership from the things of the world to the Body of Christ occurs as we are transformed from carnal to spiritual through complete surrender to the will of God. Scripture: Num 15:32-39, John 5:43-44
You Are Meant to Fly
Yesterday’s sin, no matter how grievous, does not define the success of our relationship with God. We have the blood of Jesus to cover past sins, but we’re meant to go past the blood into perfection as we move from knowing about Jesus to truly having the revelation of Him and His expectation for our lives. He’s given us all the tools we need – we…
Weights and Measures (Zech Part 8)
Religion says we can only gain Heaven by keeping the law. God has a plan that cannot fail – a new man inside who receives direction directly from God who changes us from the inside out. He has given us His blood and His leadership so we can’t fail – but our standard must be His Word, His voice. We have the truth – we just need our Bible and a living relationship with…
We’ve Got The Power
The church has forgotten that in the covenant is the Tree of Life. This tree isn’t for us because as believers we will never die. The Tree is for those around us who are dying in their sins. When we were washed in the blood, there was enough blood to cover all our sins for our entire life with some left over to give away. The church needs to return to fearing God, living…
What Are You Washing With?
God has provided two instruments for victory over the flesh: the blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Spirit. The blood and fire cleanse us, yet our human nature wants to default to cleansing itself by religious works and doctrines of men.
Mathew 5: Blessings
In the Beatitudes, God provides us with an understanding of our Christian walk and the way we progress in the Spirit. It starts with amnesty and it ends with amnesty; as His grace changes us it also changes how we treat others. The Sermon on the Mount challenges us to be honest about how well we truly rest in Jesus as our Sabbath.