"communion" Tagged Sermons
True Communion (Part 2)
The carnal mind cannot walk in the spiritual things of the Word. The carnal mind wants physical things to hold onto. That’s one of the reasons so many Christians are returning to Jewish rituals. There is comfort in the physical things that are easily understood. Paul told the early Christians, “if you don’t know what to do, follow me, imitate me. Follow me as I follow…
True Communion (Part 1)
Pastor Ricley teaches in 1 Cor 11 and John 6 to confirm that true communion is a spiritual state – a deep fellowship with and in Christ – a fellowship in His sufferings and resurrection – that has been reduced by the church to the physical act of partaking in bread and juice. Our very life is meant to be a living memorial to Him, far beyond our carnal understanding of The…
What Are You Washing With?
God has provided two instruments for victory over the flesh: the blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Spirit. The blood and fire cleanse us, yet our human nature wants to default to cleansing itself by religious works and doctrines of men.
Stack of Crackers
This sermon examines the communion ritual by the Word of God and explains God’s definition of “communion”.