"cross" Tagged Sermons
The Word From The Cross
Words that take us past our flesh to follow Him. Scripture: 1 Cor 1:17-18, Luke 2:22-24, John 12:1-19, John 19:1-6, John 19:17-27
Transfer of Ownership
We were purchased at the Cross through the blood of Jesus. Transfer of ownership from the things of the world to the Body of Christ occurs as we are transformed from carnal to spiritual through complete surrender to the will of God. Scripture: Num 15:32-39, John 5:43-44
The Revelation of Christ
The trials and persecution we encounter in this life serve the purpose of glorifying God in us and in His church. We can choose to find our way out of a trial to escape the buffeting to our flesh or we can allow God to take us through it so we can be counted worthy to fellowship in His suffering and be counted worthy to be one of the believers He will reveal Himself in.