"hearing" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)
The Ultimate Goal – Surrendering to God
War is coming on the Christian church and we need to make up our minds we will stand firm in that hour. Much of the church is not preparing for war because they expect to be raptured out of here – not understanding the ultimate glory of God’s plan. What is your preparation?
Protect Your Oil
The Devil wants to fight against the testimony of God in the real people of God, compromising the witness in a Man of God. Finding fault erodes a person’s ability to hear through the man God sends to bear witness of Him.
We need to come to the place where we believe, truly believe, the things that God is saying. When we come to that place, God can use us to speak to those around us what He would say to them were He standing there when they need Him. A need specific word straight from Him through the mouth that He has given us. Time with God strips us of the hardness and unbelief that…
God speaks like thunder. When you hear thunder, you’re close to the rain. God saves our soul and we doubt that He’ll get us through our Christian experiences, but the sound of thunder throughout the Bible tells us there’s nothing He can’t do, nothing we need that He can’t provide.