"lies" Tagged Sermons
Lying Thoughts
The devil will use little thoughts over time to separate us from God & His people. We need to ask forgiveness for believing lies. Scripture: 1 Chron 29:1, 1 Chron 29:26-27
God Gives, Religion Takes
The crux of every problem in the Bible was people believing lies. Sarah believed that every time Abraham looked at her he was disappointed in her, so she gave him her maid, the priests believed Jesus was after their kingdom – when He was their kingdom, Esau believed he would die and gave up his birthright. When religion give a solution, it appears to be spot on…
Forgotten Covenant (Malachi)
The priesthood was meant to be messengers of God, instead, they did (and still do) cause many to stumble because of their unfaithfulness to truth and the covenant of Levi. Jesus lived the covenant relationship so perfectly that He found people who would follow Him in the midst of people who had lost God completely. We’re called to live a covenant life that will draw…
There’s a lot of talk about weapons today but there are no worldly weapons that will solve today’s issues. God reminds us in His Word that are weapons are not carnal, but spiritual and it’s with His weapons that we can make a profound difference in this world.
Glory of the Latter House (Haggai)
God had a better idea than the stone temple. He moved inside His people to change our thinking. He created lively stones who would hold themselves accountable to the Word of God. We will be a visible temple for all the world to see – living in the full stature of Christ Jesus.
What Is Your Origin?
Pastor Ricley preaches on the book of Nahum and its significance for the hour we’re living in. This is a time of decision – the world or Jesus? In or out? Earthly minded or heavenly minded? Born of man or of God?
The Bethlehem Strategy
God knows how to bring us to the place where we can separate truth from lies. Religion can cause you to define God how you want, allow you to do what you want to do. False god versus True God. John saw God with eyes as flames of fire searching for dross that needs to be burned out. Saw the God who spoke light into existence. Bethlehem strategy gives us Jesus, born in a…
Binding the Strong Man (Part 2)
The tool that Jesus used to bind the strong man is the same one we’re to use today – the Word of God. Lies of the strong man bind us up, The truth breaks the power of the strong man and sets us free. The strong man in us could be anger, fear, addiction; whatever it is, we can pray about it. God knows how to get us to the place where the Word stops the strong man. He that…
The War is About What You Believe, Part 2
Once a believer chooses to love the truth, God equips him to stand on it and for it.
The War is About What You Believe, Part 1
We behave according to what we believe. The devil knows this. He lies to God’s people about God and His Word because he wants us to believe lies. God said the truth will set us free. He also said that He is going to have a bride without spot or wrinkle, a perfected church.