"mercy" Tagged Sermons
Bearing One Another’s Burdens
It’s very easy to be merciful to someone we see as a “sinner”, while demanding perfection from our brothers & sisters. Jesus uses words like “Restore” and “Bear” when telling us how to deal with one another. Scripture: Gal 6:1-5
Church Needs To Learn Sorrow
God is a God of relationship – relationship with us and our relationships with each other. We’re to love as He loved. We were born to show the world empathy and sympathy that can only be learned by walking through difficult places as He did. Scripture: Matt 12:34-42, Ezek 24:15-27
Vengeance – An Imperfect Plan
David sent Nabal a message of peace and Nabal insulted him. David sought vengeance until he encountered Abigail – a woman of good understanding. Vengeance seemed like a great plan until God showed David the cost. Scripture: 1 Sam 25:1-32
The Justice of a Man Who Never Sinned
There is only one man who lived a sinless life on the earth and that is Jesus Christ. This man (who is also God) took upon Himself the justice that we deserve as sinners (the wages of sin is death), and He offers to freely give us the justice that He obtained as one who never sinned.