"ministry" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)
Kingdom Collision
God sent astrologers with the message that the Messiah had been born because He knew the people wouldn’t receive Jesus. Same spirit that didn’t want Jesus to be King exists in the church today. Jesus as King disrupts the kingdoms of men. If we would listen to the voice of God there would be no division in the church.
The Restitution of All Things
The church has a destination and all the tools needed to arrive successfully, but the priority is big buildings and successful men instead of souls and knowing God and His plan for the end times. God showed these things by the mouth of all His prophets, so the church should know the plan because Jesus opened The Book.
Heavenly Authority
The angel Gabriel had no qualms about the authority he had in delivering message to Mary about the birth of Jesus. Sometimes we’re troubled by the message because we just don’t get it. The world is rapidly changing. God wants us to take the salutation of the Word into our heart. He wants us to question what’s going on – is it from God? People say lots of things, prophesy…
Protect Your Oil
The Devil wants to fight against the testimony of God in the real people of God, compromising the witness in a Man of God. Finding fault erodes a person’s ability to hear through the man God sends to bear witness of Him.
We are a Sign on Earth
Many Christians desire a “ministry” in their lives and miss the point about what we’re actually doing here. Elijah was an ordinary man who knew the privilege of talking to God. We are afforded that same privilege and God wants to use our lives, our circumstances, our faith, to show the world around us how very real He is. We’re called to live a life that people can read…
Healing the Blind & the Lame
We’re in an hour when the Church can’t afford to get it’s eyes off the eternal. We no longer have the time to become entangled in earthly squabbles. If ever the light of Jesus needed to shine, it is now. If we’re going to take the message of salvation to the world, our vessels must be clean. Jesus will cleanse this temple that we are if we want Him more than we want the…
Hay, Wood, & Stubble (Heb 5)
The job of the Five Fold Ministry is the preparation of the Bride of Christ. Every one of us is full of hay, wood and stubble that will burn up when it goes through the fire. Ministry should be helping you get rid of those things so when you get to the fire part of your walk, you’re fireproof and go through as gold. We can choose to allow God to bring forth the gold by…
To Whom Will God Look?
Isaiah 66:2 tells us that God will look to the one who is poor, of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at His Word. The story of Jonah illustrates the way God is able to encourage us to walk in such an attitude.