"religion" Tagged Sermons

"religion" Tagged Sermons

The Right Wedding Garment

We have received an invitation from God to the marriage supper.  Jesus’ Bride will be arrayed in white linen, granted to her by God.  We don’t want the wrong garment, we don’t want religion or to put our trust in anything in this hour except for Him.  We’ve entered into a covenant relationship with God.  He will do His part if we do ours – surrender to His will.  Zeph…

The Bride of Christ

Pastor Ricley explains the difference between the Bride of Christ and the guests at the wedding feast.  People went into Egypt looking for bread, just like people today go into churches looking for Jesus.  They will either come out leaning on His arm in depth of relationship or they will stay bound in religion.    Scripture:  Rev 17:1-6, Rev 18:4-10, Rev 18:20-21, Rev…


We tend to identify people based on their past, their family, their job, their appearance.  Even the church identifies people as Christian or sinner and sinners are problematic!  Jesus teaches us, through the story about Zacchaeus, that it’s not our role to assess, but to touch people who are struggling and show them the way out of where they are.  He touched him,…

His Offspring

Caiphas spoke the words God gave him, not the words of arrogance & pride of the Jews.  He will die on the cross & give everyone a pass.  All will be His offspring.  It is our Divine appointment to inherit the Kingdom.  Doctrines of religion create a fantasy about who God is and His plan for His people.  The Bible is the voice of God.  Ask Him and He’ll give…

Dry Bones

The church has separated bone from bone through denominations and man’s doctrines.  The Bible started with creation and a warning – the devil is a deceiver, not just a liar.  The truth has become simply someone’s opinion today.  The Word of the Lord is life.  He will breathe life into us & we’ll live.  God will bring people out of religion and…

God Gives, Religion Takes

The crux of every problem in the Bible was people believing lies.  Sarah believed that every time Abraham looked at her he was disappointed in her, so she gave him her maid, the priests believed Jesus was after their kingdom – when He was their kingdom, Esau believed he would die and gave up his birthright.  When religion give a solution, it appears to be spot on…

Thought Process (Malachi 3 & 4)

God sent a verbal confrontation to the Israelites through a verbal prophet addressing 7 ways they had lost touch with God. They had wandered so far from Him they forgot His blessings and favor toward them, they no longer felt His love for them and they no longer feared Him or felt His Spirit and Presence. Church today is not hearing God, not fearing God and lacks His…

Forgotten Covenant (Malachi)

The priesthood was meant to be messengers of God, instead, they did (and still do) cause many to stumble because of their unfaithfulness to truth and the covenant of Levi. Jesus lived the covenant relationship so perfectly that He found people who would follow Him in the midst of people who had lost God completely. We’re called to live a covenant life that will draw…


God wouldn’t allow his people to have brotherhood with false things under the old covenant and He certainly won’t under the new. It’s easy to look religious, to fool people into thinking you have a relationship with God – but real believers know that God sees and knows our thoughts. One who understands the value of real relationship with Him gets transparent with Him to…