"repentance" Tagged Sermons

"repentance" Tagged Sermons


COVID, fires, social unrest, political upheaval, hurricanes – it’s clear that God is judging this nation.  We’re in a state of apostasy – people know God but refuse to honor Him as God and we’re seeing the result.  Apostasy is changed when people decide to live righteously and believe God.  We owe it to future generations to repent and return…

Repentance, Wind and Fire

God brought the fire to separate the children of Israel from the armies of Israel at the Red Sea and He brought the wind to dry the land so His people could move forward in Him.  God gives us the Holy Spirit to get between us and the darkness we’ve left behind.  It’s to lead us on in such a relationship with Him that nothing separates us and His Word is…

Weights and Measures (Zech Part 8)

Religion says we can only gain Heaven by keeping the law. God has a plan that cannot fail – a new man inside who receives direction directly from God who changes us from the inside out. He has given us His blood and His leadership so we can’t fail – but our standard must be His Word, His voice. We have the truth – we just need our Bible and a living relationship with…

Nothing of Esau

Obadiah is a short book, but a deep reading of its single chapter can teach us much. The subject of the book is Edom. The Edomites are descended from Esau, the brother of Jacob. We know that Esau sold his birthright to Jacob. We can compare what Obadiah tells us about Edom to what we know about Esau and how he related both to his brother and to God. The defining…

Truth About Condemnation

If we sin, we feel condemnation. The fruit of the knowledge of good and evil makes us want to run and hide from God. In truth, condemnation was God-given to guide us – to repentance, to prayer, to comfort, to peace and to motivate us to get it right the next time. God has given us everything we need to empower us to walk uprightly before Him.