"throne" Tagged Sermons
Throne – High and Lifted Up
This nation is descending deeper into chaos and we’re beginning to realize that we’re not going to change the turmoil that’s in the world. The things about the world, things about our lives have to become second to Kingdom things. Yield to His voice. Say and do as He says. The throne is secure and we are blessed by His keeping and protecting power. …
Walking Worthy
We all set someone on the throne of our heart. Adam chose Eve over God. When we do what we want, we choose self over God. There is no peace when there is flesh on the throne instead of God. Walking worthy to be a son means understanding God’s will and living our lives according to that will. Scripture: Col 1:8-11, 1 Sam 25:9-32, 1 Chron 17:1-10, 1 Chron…