"victory" Tagged Sermons
Change Your Address
If we don’t have landmarks we can lose our way and the devil can tell us we’re in a place of defeat we’ll never get out of. We need a reference point and our reference should always be the Word of God. Scripture: Gen 12:1-9, Exod 40:31-38
Arm Yourself
The Church is in transition from the flesh realm to the spirit realm. The flesh is not equipped for the battle, our emotions have no place in it. Our strength, salvation and victory come from being armed in the Spirit. Scripture: 1 Peter 4:1-6, Luke 11:17-23, Rom 13:11-12, 2 Cor 6:1-18, Mal 3:13-1
The God Who Never Fails
There is a falling away from the truth of who God is and the man of sin is being revealed everywhere around us. Mainstream Christianity isn’t talking about this because the church is surrendering to thinking that God is not powerful enough. He remains the Great I Am, our All Sufficient One. Sold out soldiers are needed to run alongside people and reveal Christ to…
Listen & Do
We know the Word, we study the Word, but it’s time to do the Word. Obedience is the beginning of victory. Scripture: Luke 11:21-52, Psa 119:125-130
A Sense of Value
Abraham had no sense of value for Sarah until a king paid her dowry. Abraham learned more about the value of relationship on the mountain with Isaac. The Jews saw Jesus as a nuisance rather than seeing the value of a priesthood that would provide the sacrifice of their Savior. Church today is lukewarm, missing the value of the true relationship with…
Chariot of Israel & The Horsemen Thereof
We all need a reference point if we’re going to get where we’re going. The life & example of Elijah was that reference point for Elisha and they traveled with the same mindset. Jesus was/is the reference point for His Disciples but our mindset isn’t the same. We need to increase our speed and join the chariot so we’re where we…
Restoring the Joy
The hardest thing we experience as Christians is moving from strength to strength – ours to His. We start out like David, thinking we’re doing it all right in our own power, and then God takes us through circumstances that show us who we really are & that it’s impossible to do it in our own power. It’s in failure that we learn to rest in His ability to carry us, to…
Buying Oil
We get concerned about the end times and the timeline of future events when we should be focusing on our daily relationship with God. Jesus tells us in Matt 25 about the five wise and five foolish virgins. Some went in to Him and some did not. The difference was not in the watching, like some doctrines proclaim. The difference was in possessing the oil. The oil comes…
Conform To The House
It doesn’t matter where we start – it matters what happens on the journey. God takes us through the wilderness to get rid of our flesh. We can respond like the children of Israel and rebel or we can surrender to His will for our life. The Bride is born in the Spirit realm.
Perfecting Holiness
Our foundation for believing comes not from our intellect but from our sense of relationship with the Father. If we receive Him and put our confidence in Him, that relationship will grow continually. The Spirit in us starts as a baby and as we allow the fire of God to consume those things in us that do us harm and keep us from His perfect will, holiness is perfected in…