Sermons on Belief
Rightness By Faith
The Jews were unable to enter into God’s rest because of unbelief and lack of relationship because they saw the law as something to do, something to define them. The law was the beginning of God’s love letter. Keeping the law, in response to our deepening relationship with God, enables us to rest in Him. Scripture: Exod 31:13-14, Rom 1:15-19, Rom 9:30-10:16,…
The Engrafted Branch (Zech Part 4)
When we place Jesus on the throne of our minds the way the disciples did, it causes people to wonder – not at us, but at the Branch that would cause such a desire for surrender.
Belief & Surrender Travel Together
The first thing we all want in our Christian walk is belief, but in fact, our surrender must come first. Surrender is the action that produces faith. Gideon asked the angel where the God of miracles was. He was there wanting to use 300 men to defeat an innumerable host of Midianites, but first Gideon had to obey God and destroy his father’s altars to false gods. As we…
We need to come to the place where we believe, truly believe, the things that God is saying. When we come to that place, God can use us to speak to those around us what He would say to them were He standing there when they need Him. A need specific word straight from Him through the mouth that He has given us. Time with God strips us of the hardness and unbelief that…
Hold to the Light
In John 12 Jesus was prophesying about the things to come and the darkness that was going to descend when He was crucified. There was no way the people were going to understand His words in their carnal mind, but He was instructing them to hold on in faith to who they believed Him to be. If they believed He was the Messiah, that was all they needed and all that was ahead…
The War is About What You Believe, Part 2
Once a believer chooses to love the truth, God equips him to stand on it and for it.
The War is About What You Believe, Part 1
We behave according to what we believe. The devil knows this. He lies to God’s people about God and His Word because he wants us to believe lies. God said the truth will set us free. He also said that He is going to have a bride without spot or wrinkle, a perfected church.