Sermons on Faith (Page 3)
Overcoming Faith
God teaches us through our experiences how to move from the physical realm to the spiritual realm. Our carnal minds cannot see what God sees – cannot appropriate the plans He has for us and for His church. We need eyes of faith to see that as long as we are standing on the Word of God, where He has planted us, He will get us through whatever is ahead for us.
Hid, Dead, & Safe!
It takes faith to receive the meat of the Word, even if we don’t see it. Colossians 3 tells us that our flesh died at Calvary with Jesus. It takes faith to receive that when we see anger, wrath and malice in our lives. In God’s view, the flesh was dealt with on the Cross of Calvary. The Word of God is for application in our life so we become something that glorifies God…
Forgiveness, Faith & Obedience
Forgiveness, faith and obedience are vital to our lives as Christians, yet they are also things we often find difficult. The more we practice forgiving and exercising faith in God, the more we will also obey Him in challenging times.
Frustrating Grace
No other religion is about a Creator God who comes to live within you to change the way you think. As Christians, we must be vigilant to keep our eyes in the right place – on God. If we gauge our walk with God by our ‘good’ works instead of by faith in Jesus, we make the same mistake the Galatian church made.
Isaac inherited God’s covenant promise from his father. He also inherited Abraham’s wealth. He was given everything; he didn’t even choose his own wife! Yet Isaac’s role in the kingdom was far from easy. His call was to hold onto God’s promise without seeing it come to pass.
Abraham was God’s “third beginning” in Genesis, a man called out of idol worship to know and serve the Most High. By considering Abraham’s life and his relationship with God, we can find much to encourage and challenge us. The stories of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob can provide us with understanding about our own walks with the Lord.
Faith for the Circumcision, Part 2
God builds our faith in His unconditional love for us through seasons of sabbath. As His workmanship, we eventually come to the hour of spiritual circumcision, when God proves to us that we can’t serve Him in the flesh.
Faith for the Circumcision, Part 1
As Christians, we must learn how to transfer our confidence in serving God from our fleshly works over to God as the divine Workman of our souls. This transfer in confidence requires faith in God and our faith grows when we experience what the Sabbath rest is really all about.