Sermons on Holy Spirit

Sermons on Holy Spirit

A Word to Build (Hag 2)

It had been 16 years from the end of the exile to Haggai.  People returned with a desire to rebuild Jerusalem and the temple.  They had the government and the priesthood, but didn’t have a prophet.  They couldn’t build without a word from God and neither can we.  We’re nothing without the Spirit of God indwelling us, leading us.     Scripture:  Acts…

Holy Spirit Wind

The wind of the Holy Spirit is moving through the church and it will only take a spark to create a fire!  We need to be in prayer about the gifts and fruit of the Spirit in us and the church.   Scripture:  Ezra 7:12-18, Ezra 8:21-28, 1 Cor 12:1-3, 1 Cor 12:31, 1 Cor 13:1-13, 1 Cor 14:26-33

Seeing Jesus

The church needs to learn to discern what’s going on in the Spirit realm, but that’s impossible to do with so much flesh in the way.  The Five Fold Ministry doesn’t finish the work in us that God intends.  Only Jesus can do that, so we must grow to see Him as He is. Scripture:  John 4:1-29, Matt 16:5, Exod 13:20-22, Exod 14:19-20, Exod 40:33-38, Rom 5:15

Spirit vs Intellect

Satan plays to the ego of humanity and works against the people of God.  If we look at what he’s done in the past, we would know what to expect now.  Our intellect will throw out the parts of the Bible we don’t like, but God expect His people to sort out the spiritual things. Our intellect won’t take us where God wants us to go.   Scripture:  Rom 9:8-13,…