Sermons on Love

Sermons on Love

Righteousness & Love (1 John)

The Bible tells us that we have righteousness by faith – but we are also compelled by Jesus’ life and example to do righteousness – and that certainly includes loving one another. God has a plan for His church and that plan has a deadline. We must move in concert with one another or, because we’re one body, we slow the progress of His church.

Where the King Is…

Jesus was a prophet and He confronted the Jews about who they were and the changing covenant. The leaders thought they could rule God’s Kingdom from the outside, but Jesus told them it was being moved inside a man. The evidence of God’s indwelling is seen in his love for his brother as told in the story about the beggar Lazarus. Where the King is, there is love and…

Carriers of Bread and Water

The Amonites and the Moabites were not allowed to assemble with the people of God forever because they refused food and water to the children of God while they were in the wilderness. In Matthew 25, Jesus talks about the things that will separate us from Him forever if we don’t take heed – oil, talent and “the least of these”. We are held accountable to be mindful of and…