Sermons on Ministry

Sermons on Ministry

Led By The Spirit

Apostles were scattered in Acts, and it sounds like Philip went to Samaria by choice.  He went by Divine Appointment because the time was now ripe for them to receive and be saved.  Peter & John were led by Spirit to go and lay hands on those people so they’d receive the Holy Spirit.  What God did in the Apostles, He will do in us as we learn to exercise…

Seeing Jesus

The church needs to learn to discern what’s going on in the Spirit realm, but that’s impossible to do with so much flesh in the way.  The Five Fold Ministry doesn’t finish the work in us that God intends.  Only Jesus can do that, so we must grow to see Him as He is. Scripture:  John 4:1-29, Matt 16:5, Exod 13:20-22, Exod 14:19-20, Exod 40:33-38, Rom 5:15