Sermons on Obedience (Page 2)
Crowns (Zech 6) (Part 10)
4 men who came through captivity in Babylon were part of the ordination of Joshua – 4 ordinary men who didn’t partake of the things of the world and obeyed God. As we walk in faithfulness and choose Him over the world, we’ll gain crowns as well.
The Engrafted Branch (Zech Part 4)
When we place Jesus on the throne of our minds the way the disciples did, it causes people to wonder – not at us, but at the Branch that would cause such a desire for surrender.
Understand The Sovereignty (Zechariah Part 1)
God starts out the Book of Zechariah by reminding Israel that everything He has said has come to pass. His Word has endured, but the fathers are all gone. He promises to return to Jerusalem to dwell in His people in truth and holiness – if they will hear and obey. That promise endures today and we can escape judgment by taking shelter in Him.
What Is Your Origin?
Pastor Ricley preaches on the book of Nahum and its significance for the hour we’re living in. This is a time of decision – the world or Jesus? In or out? Earthly minded or heavenly minded? Born of man or of God?
How to Be a Teaching Priest
As it was during the time of King Asa, so it is in this generation: “Now for a long season Israel hath been without the true God, and without a teaching priest, and without law.” (2 Chron. 15:3). A teaching priest knows God, knows His voice and His statutes, and walks in obedience and surrender to God. The aim of a teaching priest is to establish a foundation of truth…
Victory Through Surrender
Jeremiah brought one last opportunity to God’s people for obedience before judgment. There was so much confusion over who was telling the truth most of the people were unable and unwilling to hear and were lost. Those who heard the truth and obeyed were saved. Our victory is assured through surrender.
You can’t learn discipline for self without someone on the outside teaching you. Self-control (temperance) is the last of the gifts – last of the fruits that God gave us. God gave us the Holy Ghost and out of it comes fruit. We are learning absolute self-control. We learn it first by discipline that brings us to surrender. Humility brings the victory.
Under God’s Dominion
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego and Daniel refused what the world had to offer them in the palaces of Babylon and remained under the dominion of God. We have things in our lives we need to set aside in consecration to God in order to experience the joy of right relationship with Him. Only one Kingdom will stand when it’s all said and done and we want to be on the side of…
Faith in Action
The conviction of the truth that ends in right actions. The result of faithfulness is change. Faith is not fairy dust that removes our responsibility to obey what God wants. If we choose not to obey, there is also a mountain of cursing. There is a highway of holiness and it’s defined by God’s Word. We need to have faith in both the blessings and His correction. God won’t…
Picture of a Model Servant
1 Thessalonians Chapter 2 is God’s picture of what a model servant would be like. Begins by reminding us that our success is assured as long as we allow Him to lead us. He knows how to get rid of the old man in each of us. Our success is assured because He lives in us.