Sermons on Perfection

Sermons on Perfection

The Three Untils

Pastor Ricley continues his study from 9/9/20 in Daniel 9 and discusses the 3 “untils” that must occur before the perfection of the church and the Word is made flesh again in Christ’s body of believers.   Scripture:  Luke 21:23-24, Gal 4:14, Gen 15:16, Rom 11:17-26, Jer 31:27-40, 2 John 1:7-11, 1 Cor 4:17-5:13, Lamentations 1:1-4

The God Who Never Fails

There is a falling away from the truth of who God is and the man of sin is being revealed everywhere around us.  Mainstream Christianity isn’t talking about this because the church is surrendering to thinking that God is not powerful enough.  He remains the Great I Am, our All Sufficient One.  Sold out soldiers are needed to run alongside people and reveal Christ to…

Perfection Requires Fire

God was able to put Job through the fire because he was mature in his relationship with Him.  Jacob was prepared to meet Esau because he and God had done business the night before.  Daniel could be left behind in Babylon because he knew where his strength came from and God knew he would not bow.  God is calling us to perfection and we’ll get there.  It’s okay…

You Are Meant to Fly

Yesterday’s sin, no matter how grievous, does not define the success of our relationship with God.  We have the blood of Jesus to cover past sins, but we’re meant to go past the blood into perfection as we move from knowing about Jesus to truly having the revelation of Him and His expectation for our lives.  He’s given us all the tools we need – we…

God Is Our Solution

The flesh is coming into unity – the man of sin is rising up. But, the Bible has also promised a perfect man – the church in unity. We must learn to trust God now so we don’t lean on the arm of the flesh during tribulation. We are an elect race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession. Scripture: 1 Peter 2:9