Sermons on Surrender
Throne – High and Lifted Up
This nation is descending deeper into chaos and we’re beginning to realize that we’re not going to change the turmoil that’s in the world. The things about the world, things about our lives have to become second to Kingdom things. Yield to His voice. Say and do as He says. The throne is secure and we are blessed by His keeping and protecting power. …
The Right Wedding Garment
We have received an invitation from God to the marriage supper. Jesus’ Bride will be arrayed in white linen, granted to her by God. We don’t want the wrong garment, we don’t want religion or to put our trust in anything in this hour except for Him. We’ve entered into a covenant relationship with God. He will do His part if we do ours – surrender to His will. Zeph…
The Transformed Mind
We want the territory we are to be the safest place for God to inhabit so we can take Him behind enemy lines and we’ll be part of a defense that won’t back up. The only obstacle we have to being those kinds of soldiers is our minds. God starts with the premise, ‘Lay down your will”, “present yourself as a living sacrifice” and He will…
Cleansing The Temple
The Book and a heart that’s right. God can entrust His Word to a heart that’s humble and in right relationship with Him. Scripture: 2 Chron 34
Righteous fruit
God will send a servant to test the fruit in our lives. Truth is our fruit, obedience to the Word is our fruit, bowing the knee is our fruit. Scripture: Luke 20:1-18, 2 Chron 18:6-19:10
When we give our life to Christ, we become His prisoner, allowing Him to do what He wants in us so we invest the talents He gives us in the right places at the right times. Scripture: Eph 4:1-8, 1 Tim 1:3-5, 1 Tim 1:12-20, Eph 2:11-15
The Word From The Cross
Words that take us past our flesh to follow Him. Scripture: 1 Cor 1:17-18, Luke 2:22-24, John 12:1-19, John 19:1-6, John 19:17-27
Law of Life
Pastor Ricley discusses the difference between physical circumcision and us “being the circumcision” through Christ. Scripture: Phil 3:3, Gal 5:4-24, Luke 12:1-19
Walking Worthy
We all set someone on the throne of our heart. Adam chose Eve over God. When we do what we want, we choose self over God. There is no peace when there is flesh on the throne instead of God. Walking worthy to be a son means understanding God’s will and living our lives according to that will. Scripture: Col 1:8-11, 1 Sam 25:9-32, 1 Chron 17:1-10, 1 Chron…
Transfer of Ownership
We were purchased at the Cross through the blood of Jesus. Transfer of ownership from the things of the world to the Body of Christ occurs as we are transformed from carnal to spiritual through complete surrender to the will of God. Scripture: Num 15:32-39, John 5:43-44