Sermons on Transformation (Page 3)
Be Ye Transformed
Romans 12:2 tells us to “be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Pastor Ricley explains that this happens as we give our minds into His hands.
Healing the Blind & the Lame
We’re in an hour when the Church can’t afford to get it’s eyes off the eternal. We no longer have the time to become entangled in earthly squabbles. If ever the light of Jesus needed to shine, it is now. If we’re going to take the message of salvation to the world, our vessels must be clean. Jesus will cleanse this temple that we are if we want Him more than we want the…
A Womb Worthy of His Seed
Joseph is a picture of Christ and Tamar is a picture of a worthy bride, willing to risk it all – even unto death – to bring glory to God. God uses her life as an admonition to us – do we choose to be a concubine or the bride? To pretend or to marry truth? Anyone can go to church – but not just any bride will do. The choice starts with us.
The Value of the Laver
Before the priests went into the Holy Place, they had to stop at the laver and wash. It had no dimensions because the laver is a picture of the Word of God. It was made from the looking glasses of the women, covered with water. God takes out of our hands the mirrors we examine ourselves by, and He helps us examine ourselves by what He says and not the knowledge of good…
Shut in with God
God shut Noah in and provided all the protection he needed through the judgment that He brought on the land. God wants to shut us in to teach us that He’ll fight our battles for us, direct our lives, bring us peace in the midst of turmoil, safety in any storm. As we allow Him to teach us and transform us, we become His tabernacle and we can take Him wherever we go to…
Relax in the Seed
An acorn doesn’t look like it has the power of the mighty oak, but it does. When we’re born again, God put the incorruptible seed of His Son in us – and it doesn’t look like we’re like Him – but we are. When we get religious and set lofty goals for ourselves, our efforts steal our peace. It is impossible to bring forth what we think God wants in our own power. We need to…
The Prince of This World, Part 2
Continuing to look at the final discourse Jesus had with His disciples before His crucifixion, we learn about the power of the Comforter and the power of true spiritual morality in the life of a believer.
The Prince of This World, Part 1
The Bible tells us in John 14:30 that the prince of this world had nothing in Jesus. As His people, we want the same to be true in our lives. We want to understand what spiritual morality really is and we want our lives to reflect it.
God’s Amnesty Plan
If we base our understanding of God’s promise to have a spotless bride on the knowledge of good and evil, we will end up forsaking His way of keeping that promise and set about to accomplish it in our own strength because it takes faith to believe that God can really conform us to His image on the earth. God’s salvation is about amnesty for the world, an indwelling Lord…
Frustrating Grace
No other religion is about a Creator God who comes to live within you to change the way you think. As Christians, we must be vigilant to keep our eyes in the right place – on God. If we gauge our walk with God by our ‘good’ works instead of by faith in Jesus, we make the same mistake the Galatian church made.