Sermons on Trials
Vengeance – An Imperfect Plan
David sent Nabal a message of peace and Nabal insulted him. David sought vengeance until he encountered Abigail – a woman of good understanding. Vengeance seemed like a great plan until God showed David the cost. Scripture: 1 Sam 25:1-32
Study in Philippians
Pastor Ricley discusses working our our own salvation with fear and trembling & glorying in tribulation as Paul talked about to the church at Philippi. Scripture: Phil 1-3
The God Who Never Fails
There is a falling away from the truth of who God is and the man of sin is being revealed everywhere around us. Mainstream Christianity isn’t talking about this because the church is surrendering to thinking that God is not powerful enough. He remains the Great I Am, our All Sufficient One. Sold out soldiers are needed to run alongside people and reveal Christ to…
Weapons of Our Warfare
Jesus was driven into the wilderness for 40 days and nights to be tormented by the devil. We think He had an advantage we don’t have, but that’s simply not true. He emptied Himself and came in the flesh – just like us and He had to learn how to fight spiritual battles just as we do. He fought those battles and left us His example for victory in the…
Sometimes we get in places where it feels like there is nothing but defeat, but our trials aren’t always about us. Sometimes God is trying to reach someone around us through what we’re going through. Our steadfast walk becomes their example of who God is and what He will do in their life.Scripture: Daniel 6
Restoring the Joy
The hardest thing we experience as Christians is moving from strength to strength – ours to His. We start out like David, thinking we’re doing it all right in our own power, and then God takes us through circumstances that show us who we really are & that it’s impossible to do it in our own power. It’s in failure that we learn to rest in His ability to carry us, to…
Buying Oil
We get concerned about the end times and the timeline of future events when we should be focusing on our daily relationship with God. Jesus tells us in Matt 25 about the five wise and five foolish virgins. Some went in to Him and some did not. The difference was not in the watching, like some doctrines proclaim. The difference was in possessing the oil. The oil comes…
Tribulation, The Kingdom & Patience
John was writing to the various churches about endurance – endurance in tribulation and the things that pertain to our eternal security. Endurance is a patience that does not surrender to circumstances or succumb under trial, a patience that doesn’t accept defeat. God uses John to bring constructive correction to churches and promises for those who overcome the trials…
Purpose of God
God has a purpose in all our lives. Sometimes we go through really hard things to either prepare us for His use or so that those around us can see Him working through our circumstances. In the midst of the devil’s lying voice we need to remain steadfast and hold to the promises of God, trusting that He has a plan we cannot yet see.
Writing Our Own Psalms
Not every song (Psalm) that David wrote was joyous. Some of his Psalms simply conveyed the message that God was there, carrying him through his pain and confusion. God does not despise what we go through and the honesty of our feelings. We learn to write our own Psalms of joy and of sorrow curled up in the reality and the sovereignty of a God who is always there, even…
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