Sermons on Victory
Study on Hebrews 12
Pastor Ricley teaches from Hebrews 11 & 12 about the true church being living witnesses encompassed by a great cloud of witnesses and a victorious God. Scripture: Heb 11:31-12:11
Change Your Address
If we don’t have landmarks we can lose our way and the devil can tell us we’re in a place of defeat we’ll never get out of. We need a reference point and our reference should always be the Word of God. Scripture: Gen 12:1-9, Exod 40:31-38
Arm Yourself
The Church is in transition from the flesh realm to the spirit realm. The flesh is not equipped for the battle, our emotions have no place in it. Our strength, salvation and victory come from being armed in the Spirit. Scripture: 1 Peter 4:1-6, Luke 11:17-23, Rom 13:11-12, 2 Cor 6:1-18, Mal 3:13-1
Follow, Come, Abide
Our relationship with Jesus begins when we hear Him say, “Follow Me” as He did to His disciples. He then draws us deeper into relationship as He implores us to “Come unto Me” and “Abide with Me”. Scripture: Matt 4:18-22, Matt 19-16-21, Luke 9:57-59, John 4:5-23, John 12:25-28, John 13:36, John 15:1-10
The God Who Never Fails
There is a falling away from the truth of who God is and the man of sin is being revealed everywhere around us. Mainstream Christianity isn’t talking about this because the church is surrendering to thinking that God is not powerful enough. He remains the Great I Am, our All Sufficient One. Sold out soldiers are needed to run alongside people and reveal Christ to…
A Sense of Value
Abraham had no sense of value for Sarah until a king paid her dowry. Abraham learned more about the value of relationship on the mountain with Isaac. The Jews saw Jesus as a nuisance rather than seeing the value of a priesthood that would provide the sacrifice of their Savior. Church today is lukewarm, missing the value of the true relationship with…
You Are Meant to Fly
Yesterday’s sin, no matter how grievous, does not define the success of our relationship with God. We have the blood of Jesus to cover past sins, but we’re meant to go past the blood into perfection as we move from knowing about Jesus to truly having the revelation of Him and His expectation for our lives. He’s given us all the tools we need – we…
Conform To The House
It doesn’t matter where we start – it matters what happens on the journey. God takes us through the wilderness to get rid of our flesh. We can respond like the children of Israel and rebel or we can surrender to His will for our life. The Bride is born in the Spirit realm.
Chariots and Horses (Zech Part 9)
In Zechariah 6 God reveals to us that warfare will surround the church – but we are part of God’s conquering force. Whatever we need in battle, God will supply. Scripture: Zech 6:1, Rev 6:1-4, Matt 10:16-38
Identity, Subjection, Success (Zech 4) (Part 7)
Zechariah is telling us about Jesus 600 years before He’s born, about the coming covenant relationship. He’s looking back at what couldn’t be seen – and forward towards what they couldn’t understand. Look back at ministries of Elijah and Moses – the 2 anointed ministries – what did they tell us? …
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