Sermons from 2014
Representation of God
We either represent or misrepresent Christ in the lives we live out in front of others every day. Sin separates us from the very power that makes us sons. Jesus is our example of perfect obedience – obedience so perfect He could enter the Pool of Bethesda and heal only one person when everyone in there had to be crying out for His touch. We have the power to become sons -…
Shut in with God
God shut Noah in and provided all the protection he needed through the judgment that He brought on the land. God wants to shut us in to teach us that He’ll fight our battles for us, direct our lives, bring us peace in the midst of turmoil, safety in any storm. As we allow Him to teach us and transform us, we become His tabernacle and we can take Him wherever we go to…
Send Me A Rehab
Sometimes we get lost in our circumstances and we need God to send us a Rahab to remind us of how great our God is, how much the enemy fears Him and that nothing can defeat us or Him.
Circumstance or Character?
We are given the shield of faith as part of the armor of God. If we live in a physical realm, we expect the shield to protect us. Shield of faith is to be used to protect the character of our life. There are things that come our way in the physical realm that come against our flesh, our family, the church. We’re meant to use the shield to stop circumstances from touching…
Overcoming Faith
God teaches us through our experiences how to move from the physical realm to the spiritual realm. Our carnal minds cannot see what God sees – cannot appropriate the plans He has for us and for His church. We need eyes of faith to see that as long as we are standing on the Word of God, where He has planted us, He will get us through whatever is ahead for us.
True Communion (Part 2)
The carnal mind cannot walk in the spiritual things of the Word. The carnal mind wants physical things to hold onto. That’s one of the reasons so many Christians are returning to Jewish rituals. There is comfort in the physical things that are easily understood. Paul told the early Christians, “if you don’t know what to do, follow me, imitate me. Follow me as I follow…
True Communion (Part 1)
Pastor Ricley teaches in 1 Cor 11 and John 6 to confirm that true communion is a spiritual state – a deep fellowship with and in Christ – a fellowship in His sufferings and resurrection – that has been reduced by the church to the physical act of partaking in bread and juice. Our very life is meant to be a living memorial to Him, far beyond our carnal understanding of The…
Forfeiting Joy
True relationship with God isn’t about religious acts or attitudes, it’s a condition of the heart. We may look as though we are righteous on the outside, but the Lord knows our every thought. When we step outside of a right relationship with Him where we walk and talk with Him daily, we are forfeiting the joy in fellowship with Him that He intends for us to have. We can…
Hay, Wood, & Stubble (Heb 5)
The job of the Five Fold Ministry is the preparation of the Bride of Christ. Every one of us is full of hay, wood and stubble that will burn up when it goes through the fire. Ministry should be helping you get rid of those things so when you get to the fire part of your walk, you’re fireproof and go through as gold. We can choose to allow God to bring forth the gold by…
Crown of Glory
God will have a remnant in this hour to whom He is a crown of glory/ a people who are carriers of grace and truth and who don’t allow the things of the world to diminish their consecration to God and His plan. The Church needs to come back to absolute obedience, a spirit of judgment and the strength to take the battle to the gate.
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