Sermons from September 2016

Sermons from September 2016

Faith in Action

The conviction of the truth that ends in right actions. The result of faithfulness is change. Faith is not fairy dust that removes our responsibility to obey what God wants. If we choose not to obey, there is also a mountain of cursing. There is a highway of holiness and it’s defined by God’s Word. We need to have faith in both the blessings and His correction. God won’t…

Picture of a Model Servant

1 Thessalonians Chapter 2 is God’s picture of what a model servant would be like. Begins by reminding us that our success is assured as long as we allow Him to lead us. He knows how to get rid of the old man in each of us. Our success is assured because He lives in us.

All is Vanity

We look at things on the outside and decide their value. God’s not interested in the outside appearance of anything – He’s interested in substance. Saul impressed the people but he was ruled by fear and impatience, not a leader. David was physically unimpressive – but a man of true substance. The Israelites rejected commands of God and chose goddess of fortune &…