Sermons from 2017
Let God Be The Judge
Jesus cautioned us not to judge by what we see and/or hear, yet we do wisdom the carnal way. Our flesh will always side with Barabbas. Our flesh looks at the story of Cain and Abel and we feel compassion for Cain and judge God as harsh – but God knew what was going on in Cain’s heart towards his brother long before he killed him. It’s not about man’s wisdom – it’s all…
What Is Your Origin?
Pastor Ricley preaches on the book of Nahum and its significance for the hour we’re living in. This is a time of decision – the world or Jesus? In or out? Earthly minded or heavenly minded? Born of man or of God?
A Time To Be Fruitful
In this overview of the Book of Micah, Pastor Ricley talks about how God is dealing with us individually in this hour to bring the church to something she has never herself to be – fruitful. What God calls us to do, He brings to pass in our lives as we learn to wait on Him and follow His direction.
Nothing of Esau
Obadiah is a short book, but a deep reading of its single chapter can teach us much. The subject of the book is Edom. The Edomites are descended from Esau, the brother of Jacob. We know that Esau sold his birthright to Jacob. We can compare what Obadiah tells us about Edom to what we know about Esau and how he related both to his brother and to God. The defining…
Jonah’s Message to Us
We tend to think that the story of Jonah was about Nineveh and Jonah and a whale, when in fact, the message in Jonah is about a great big God, a messenger, forgiveness and repentance.
How to Be a Teaching Priest
As it was during the time of King Asa, so it is in this generation: “Now for a long season Israel hath been without the true God, and without a teaching priest, and without law.” (2 Chron. 15:3). A teaching priest knows God, knows His voice and His statutes, and walks in obedience and surrender to God. The aim of a teaching priest is to establish a foundation of truth…
Blind Bartimaeus Could See
Bartimaeus may have been blind, but he could see what the religious leaders refused to see. He knew that Jesus was his Messiah and he knew how much he needed Him. Religion blinds us to truth. We need to drop our filthy rags of self-righteousness and cry out, “Have mercy on me, O Thou Son of David”.
Kingdom Collision
God sent astrologers with the message that the Messiah had been born because He knew the people wouldn’t receive Jesus. Same spirit that didn’t want Jesus to be King exists in the church today. Jesus as King disrupts the kingdoms of men. If we would listen to the voice of God there would be no division in the church.
Message of Truth & Hope
When the Spirit and Presence of God is within us, He can get us to the right place at the right time with the right message. Churches are distracted and weak, fighting each other over doctrinal issues while the real enemy rages and is robbing people of peace and hope. Put off the old man and be renewed so if you’re the one person standing between heaven and hell in a…
Where the King Is…
Jesus was a prophet and He confronted the Jews about who they were and the changing covenant. The leaders thought they could rule God’s Kingdom from the outside, but Jesus told them it was being moved inside a man. The evidence of God’s indwelling is seen in his love for his brother as told in the story about the beggar Lazarus. Where the King is, there is love and…