Sermons from March 2019
Not one of us is immune from the voice of doubt. We must be ever vigilant over our thoughts & stay rooted in the truth of the Word rather than what it “feels” like.Scripture: Luke 7:11-24
Sons of God
There are those who believe that the Sons of God are angels. Pastor Ricley does an in-depth Bible Study establishing who the Sons are, their purpose and their relationship with God and the people around them. Scripture: Gen 1:26-2:24, 1 John 3:1-2, Rom 8:19-22
Conformed or Transformed?
The church is running out of power because it’s left the Upper Room. The hour we’re in is similar to the hour Jesus walked the earth in. We have to choose if we’re going to go with the crowd or be transformed by the power of Christ.Scripture: Luke 3:1-3, Mark 8:34-36, Romans 12:1, 2 Cor 3:12-18