Sermons from May 2019
Weapons of Our Warfare
Jesus was driven into the wilderness for 40 days and nights to be tormented by the devil. We think He had an advantage we don’t have, but that’s simply not true. He emptied Himself and came in the flesh – just like us and He had to learn how to fight spiritual battles just as we do. He fought those battles and left us His example for victory in the…
His Offspring
Caiphas spoke the words God gave him, not the words of arrogance & pride of the Jews. He will die on the cross & give everyone a pass. All will be His offspring. It is our Divine appointment to inherit the Kingdom. Doctrines of religion create a fantasy about who God is and His plan for His people. The Bible is the voice of God. Ask Him and He’ll give…
Dry Bones
The church has separated bone from bone through denominations and man’s doctrines. The Bible started with creation and a warning – the devil is a deceiver, not just a liar. The truth has become simply someone’s opinion today. The Word of the Lord is life. He will breathe life into us & we’ll live. God will bring people out of religion and…