Sermons from July 2021
Bearing One Another’s Burdens
It’s very easy to be merciful to someone we see as a “sinner”, while demanding perfection from our brothers & sisters. Jesus uses words like “Restore” and “Bear” when telling us how to deal with one another. Scripture: Gal 6:1-5
According to the Faith of God’s Elect
Paul left Titus in Crete with specific instructions for establishing the church there. Those same instructions remain applicable today. Scripture: Titus 1:1-7
Throne – High and Lifted Up
This nation is descending deeper into chaos and we’re beginning to realize that we’re not going to change the turmoil that’s in the world. The things about the world, things about our lives have to become second to Kingdom things. Yield to His voice. Say and do as He says. The throne is secure and we are blessed by His keeping and protecting power. …
Spiritual Warfare
Just like Elijah/Elisha, the Holy Spirit will take us through Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho and the Jordan as we grow in our walk with the Lord. Every step is necessary to make us into soldiers in God’s army! Scripture: Romans 6:11-18, Eph 6:1-18