Sermon Archive (Page 18)

Sermon Archive (Page 18)

All is Vanity

We look at things on the outside and decide their value. God’s not interested in the outside appearance of anything – He’s interested in substance. Saul impressed the people but he was ruled by fear and impatience, not a leader. David was physically unimpressive – but a man of true substance. The Israelites rejected commands of God and chose goddess of fortune &…

Wholesome Words

The Bible tells us that God is our master and we are to honor our master. Paul called himself a bond slave to God and he was ready to do whatever God told him to do, at whatever the cost would be to him personally. People no longer know how to bow their knee to God and give Him the fear, honor, love only He is worthy of. We are to read the Word, obey the Word, stand on…

We are a Sign on Earth

Many Christians desire a “ministry” in their lives and miss the point about what we’re actually doing here. Elijah was an ordinary man who knew the privilege of talking to God. We are afforded that same privilege and God wants to use our lives, our circumstances, our faith, to show the world around us how very real He is. We’re called to live a life that people can read…

Purpose of God

God has a purpose in all our lives. Sometimes we go through really hard things to either prepare us for His use or so that those around us can see Him working through our circumstances. In the midst of the devil’s lying voice we need to remain steadfast and hold to the promises of God, trusting that He has a plan we cannot yet see.

Healing the Blind & the Lame

We’re in an hour when the Church can’t afford to get it’s eyes off the eternal. We no longer have the time to become entangled in earthly squabbles. If ever the light of Jesus needed to shine, it is now. If we’re going to take the message of salvation to the world, our vessels must be clean. Jesus will cleanse this temple that we are if we want Him more than we want the…

A Womb Worthy of His Seed

Joseph is a picture of Christ and Tamar is a picture of a worthy bride, willing to risk it all – even unto death – to bring glory to God. God uses her life as an admonition to us – do we choose to be a concubine or the bride? To pretend or to marry truth? Anyone can go to church – but not just any bride will do. The choice starts with us.

How Will You Spend the Last Days?

God is bringing the church to an appointment with change. Some of us are still in “take your ease, easy living Christianity” mode. Others already know Jesus as their very breath, their shield and buckler. Knowing Him less is as nothing and all of Christianity is going to get rid of the foolishness as we come under pressure. In 2 Timothy 3, Paul was writing to Timothy…

Authority and Power

Jesus sent out His disciples with the authority & power to cast out demons – to set people free from the things in their lives that separated them from God. We have been given the very same power, authority and commission, but we must apprehend it by faith and obedience. Where do we stand? Are we in opposition to the devil? If we are in opposition to the Kingdom of God in…

Outside The Camp

God has declared to Moses that He will no longer go with Moses and the Children of Israel because “they are a stiffnecked people”. The problem is with the attitudes of the people and their lack of willingness to humble down to God, but God is looking to Moses, His leadership, to resolve the issue. Moses moves the Tabernacle outside the camp, thereby separating the people…