Truth in Reality, not Ideology
Pastor Ron teaches that the truth revealed in the Word is not just an ideology, but it’s a reality we can stand on in our lives that will get us through anything we might encounter. Scripture: John 14:6-7, John 13:33-35, John 1:1-4, John 2:18-19, John 6:15-27
Defiling the Temple
In our carnal thinking, God can be dethroned. The Holy Spirit indwells us, but we still need to grow up. We ignore what the Holy Spirit tells us to get rid of. We can stay carnally minded where we don’t receive the things of the Spirit. Take out the trash or it builds up! Pastor Ricley warns us that we can override what the Holy Ghost says and stay in infant in…
The Right Wedding Garment
We have received an invitation from God to the marriage supper. Jesus’ Bride will be arrayed in white linen, granted to her by God. We don’t want the wrong garment, we don’t want religion or to put our trust in anything in this hour except for Him. We’ve entered into a covenant relationship with God. He will do His part if we do ours – surrender to His will. Zeph…
Church Needs To Learn Sorrow
God is a God of relationship – relationship with us and our relationships with each other. We’re to love as He loved. We were born to show the world empathy and sympathy that can only be learned by walking through difficult places as He did. Scripture: Matt 12:34-42, Ezek 24:15-27
The Importance of Rest
The Sabbath is the only commandment God forced Israel to keep, it was that important to Him. In Hebrews we’re reminded that there “remains a Sabbath to the people of God.” We’ll rest in man or we’ll rest in God and we’re in training. Scripture: Gen 42:16-25, Ezek 36:16-22, 2 Chron 27:14-23, Heb 3:5-4:2
God Has A Plan
The world is full of questions re things. What we know is that He has a plan and it’s all going to turn out the way He wants. Increase in violence, selfishness, hatred has been prophesied in the Word & we see it coming to pass. We can have confidence the plan He has will come to pass. Jesus wasn’t going anywhere until the disciples had the divine revelation of who…
Study on Hebrews 12
Pastor Ricley teaches from Hebrews 11 & 12 about the true church being living witnesses encompassed by a great cloud of witnesses and a victorious God. Scripture: Heb 11:31-12:11
Temple In Your Mind
Pastor Ricley teaches the difference between being governed by the knowledge of good and evil or the Word of God. We are the Temple, but we must have that temple in the right frame of mind. Scripture: Rom 7:17-25, Hebrews 5:7-14
Kiss the Son
Kiss the Son, lest he be angry… God talking about Jesus’ rejection in Jerusalem. A warning to be heeded in this hour when anger and resentment toward God is fashionable. If we’re not feeling tenderness towards Him, a desire to reach out and touch Him, it’s time to ask Him to help us bring our prayers to Him as kisses. Scripture: Psa 2:1-12, Song of Solomon 1:1-1-3,…
Change Your Address
If we don’t have landmarks we can lose our way and the devil can tell us we’re in a place of defeat we’ll never get out of. We need a reference point and our reference should always be the Word of God. Scripture: Gen 12:1-9, Exod 40:31-38