Sermon Archive (Page 5)

Sermon Archive (Page 5)

Rightness By Faith

The Jews were unable to enter into God’s rest because of unbelief and lack of relationship because they saw the law as something to do, something to define them.  The law was the beginning of God’s love letter.  Keeping the law, in response to our deepening relationship with God, enables us to rest in Him.   Scripture:  Exod 31:13-14, Rom 1:15-19, Rom 9:30-10:16,…

Grace & Truth

There are those who see the law of the Old Testament as harsh and impossible, but on examination it was actually the foundation for relationship after relationship that was facilitated by the grace and truth that came through Jesus. We need all of it in order to be the church that God needs in this hour.  Scripture:  John 1:14-18, Exod 24:12-25:9, Gen 11:31, 1 Cor 3:9-17,…