Sermons on Genesis (Page 2)
The Genesis of Jesus
What God started in Genesis He begins again in the New Covenant. Adam, created with the very breath of God was tasked with keeping the weeds out of the Garden, creating a place of sanctuary & peace, and to fill the earth with people – God’s family. God reopened the place of peace & tranquility to us with Jesus, and we’re tasked with multiplying life – Kingdom life – in…
Weights and Measures (Zech Part 8)
Religion says we can only gain Heaven by keeping the law. God has a plan that cannot fail – a new man inside who receives direction directly from God who changes us from the inside out. He has given us His blood and His leadership so we can’t fail – but our standard must be His Word, His voice. We have the truth – we just need our Bible and a living relationship with…
Benjamin’s Sack
Pastor Ricley answers questions about the gift of tongues, finding God’s voice in the Bible and whether Joseph put the cup in Benjamin’s sack out of anger or mercy.
Let God Be The Judge
Jesus cautioned us not to judge by what we see and/or hear, yet we do wisdom the carnal way. Our flesh will always side with Barabbas. Our flesh looks at the story of Cain and Abel and we feel compassion for Cain and judge God as harsh – but God knew what was going on in Cain’s heart towards his brother long before he killed him. It’s not about man’s wisdom – it’s all…
A Time To Be Fruitful
In this overview of the Book of Micah, Pastor Ricley talks about how God is dealing with us individually in this hour to bring the church to something she has never herself to be – fruitful. What God calls us to do, He brings to pass in our lives as we learn to wait on Him and follow His direction.
Nothing of Esau
Obadiah is a short book, but a deep reading of its single chapter can teach us much. The subject of the book is Edom. The Edomites are descended from Esau, the brother of Jacob. We know that Esau sold his birthright to Jacob. We can compare what Obadiah tells us about Edom to what we know about Esau and how he related both to his brother and to God. The defining…
A Womb Worthy of His Seed
Joseph is a picture of Christ and Tamar is a picture of a worthy bride, willing to risk it all – even unto death – to bring glory to God. God uses her life as an admonition to us – do we choose to be a concubine or the bride? To pretend or to marry truth? Anyone can go to church – but not just any bride will do. The choice starts with us.
Writing Our Own Psalms
Not every song (Psalm) that David wrote was joyous. Some of his Psalms simply conveyed the message that God was there, carrying him through his pain and confusion. God does not despise what we go through and the honesty of our feelings. We learn to write our own Psalms of joy and of sorrow curled up in the reality and the sovereignty of a God who is always there, even…
Shut in with God
God shut Noah in and provided all the protection he needed through the judgment that He brought on the land. God wants to shut us in to teach us that He’ll fight our battles for us, direct our lives, bring us peace in the midst of turmoil, safety in any storm. As we allow Him to teach us and transform us, we become His tabernacle and we can take Him wherever we go to…
Relax in the Seed
An acorn doesn’t look like it has the power of the mighty oak, but it does. When we’re born again, God put the incorruptible seed of His Son in us – and it doesn’t look like we’re like Him – but we are. When we get religious and set lofty goals for ourselves, our efforts steal our peace. It is impossible to bring forth what we think God wants in our own power. We need to…