Sermons on Isaiah (Page 2)

Sermons on Isaiah (Page 2)

Tremble At His Word

The Jews didn’t understand the covenant was about to end because they weren’t close enough to God to hear His voice and because they weren’t interested in giving up their kingdoms for His. The Christian Church is in much the same position today. The covenant is about to end, and most Christians have no understanding of that. We’re preoccupied with big buildings and…

The Will To Do His Will

There are two spiritual kingdoms – the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. The desire to do His will is the ingrained evidence of God’s indwelling presence. The new man would want to do what pleases God. The old man cannot because it’s not under His dominion. If I want to do His will, He will lead me because I’m not in conflict with Him.

Purpose of God

God has a purpose in all our lives. Sometimes we go through really hard things to either prepare us for His use or so that those around us can see Him working through our circumstances. In the midst of the devil’s lying voice we need to remain steadfast and hold to the promises of God, trusting that He has a plan we cannot yet see.

Healing the Blind & the Lame

We’re in an hour when the Church can’t afford to get it’s eyes off the eternal. We no longer have the time to become entangled in earthly squabbles. If ever the light of Jesus needed to shine, it is now. If we’re going to take the message of salvation to the world, our vessels must be clean. Jesus will cleanse this temple that we are if we want Him more than we want the…

The Value of the Laver

Before the priests went into the Holy Place, they had to stop at the laver and wash. It had no dimensions because the laver is a picture of the Word of God. It was made from the looking glasses of the women, covered with water. God takes out of our hands the mirrors we examine ourselves by, and He helps us examine ourselves by what He says and not the knowledge of good…

Sons of Belial

Sons of Belial were part of the congregation, trusted leaders with a preponderance to move away from the true doctrine of God, and the ability to take others with them. These sons do things according to their flesh, fighting against the authority of God by doing the things of God in their own way, refusing to bow to Kingdom of God. Scripture gives us several examples of…

Numbering Our Days

The events that are going on around us and the demands on our time press us to choose between the material world we live in and the realities of eternal choices. God is bringing all of our hearts into a place of decision about what we want to do with Him. When we assign a number to our days we maintain a sense of where we are on the timeline and a motivation to hold to…